Hi all
I'm finally back. What you didn't notice I was gone ? huh. Anyway, I moved from Scotland to Canada, yeah ! I live now in Montréal, Québec. Still working in the mobile phone games industry, still trying to make a bunch of pixel actually look like something people will recognize. The move, and the lack of an internet connection these last weeks, and some extra lazyness on top of that have delayed a bit this update. I hope to update this blog a bit more often now. :-) (won't be too hard)Probably posting a bit about life in canada as well.
Sorry to everyone I didn't reply to, and those who were left wondering where I was gone.
The picture is Montréal by night, from the Jacques Cartier bridge I took the other night.
See you soon !
Bonjour tout le monde !
Je mets enfin ce blog à jour ! J'ai déménagé de l'Ecosse pour venir au Canada ! yeah ! A Montréal, Québec, plus précisément. Le déménagement, l'absence de connxion internet, et un peu de paresse il faut bien l'avouer, on retardé un peu cette mise à jour. J'espère updater un peu plus souvent désormais, ce qui ne devrait pas être pas bien compliqué ! Je parlerai probablement un peu de la vie au Canada.
Toutes mes excuses à ceux à qui je n'ai pas répondu, ou simplement donné de nouvelles.
Enfin la petite photo c'est Montréal by night, prise depuis le pont Jacques Cartier l'autre soir.
A bientôt !!!...
3 commentaires:
Beautiful photo!! Glad you are back on blogger land!! Welcome back, Christophe, and thank you for your visit and kind words. :)
Welcome to our beautiful country! I'm sure you'll like it here and Canada will like you back!
Hey Christophe!! Your back in action!! Congrats on your sucessfull move. We are now only one country away! hehehe....
Love the critters falling from the sky! Cute!
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