The idea actually comes from a cute japanese commercial for some vegetable juice I saw the other day. I'll post a link if I manage to find it. L'idée vient en fait d'une mignonne petite pub japonaise pour un jus de légumes que j'ai vue l'autre jour. Si jamais je la retrouve, je la posterai.
Update: You can check it out here ! (thanks Miyako!)
14 commentaires:
J'aime beaucoup l'expression etonne de la jeune fille. Tres belle interpretation!
this made me giggle. I like it.
great interpretation. thanks!
very nice illustration! I love the colors in her hair. :)
I have been to Montreal about a year and 5 months ago in November..I enjoyed my visit!
you have a beautiful style
Lovely expression
The green light in her hair is a great touch!
this is really neat, i like how the girls hair is green which matches the plant. Its really well done. your very creative
Quand la nature reprend ses droits..... très joli, les reflets dans la chevelure sont sublimes
I love her hair :)
That's very good!
Hi there! I think this is it.
It's a vege juice commercial with Puffy:)
Oh ! That's it !! thanks a lot Miyako ! :-) I saw it only once, so I'm glad to be able to watch it again. And there are six of them actually !
And thank you everyone for your nice comments :-)
fun and lovely painting!
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