dimanche 22 juin 2008


Hope you're all having a nice summer.
This is a panzerbjorn, an armoured polar bear from Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials". I'm reading the second book of the trilogy, and really like it so far :-), which is why I have been obsessed with panzerbjorns lately :-). Anyway, I found it quite fitting for this week's Illustration Friday word, "Fierce".

J'espère que vous passez tous un été agréable. Voici un Panzerbjorn, un ours en armure, de la série de livres de Philippe Pullman, "A la croisée des Mondes". Une lecture bien rafraîchissante par ces températures estivales :^) !

8 commentaires:

mitchowl a dit...

I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night,..... or a bright day.

Roberta a dit...

That's just how I would imagine him! Nice work.

Axl Lindblom a dit...

Bears are fierce, take my word for it. Your panzerbjorn (or pansarbjörn, as we would call it in Sweden) looks really really good.

krisztina maros a dit...

j'aime beaucoup ton dessin d'ours.

Mixed Media Martyr a dit...

Very firce - you have captured him perfectly! Love your artwork.

Crystal a dit...

nice illo! love the lines!

Christophe a dit...

thanks for all your nice comments !

Fréd a dit...

Et bien voilà tu as lu le livre ;^))...... très belle illustration. Bel été à toi