This will probably make sense only to the french speakers who might have seen this show from 1982, "Once upon a time... Space" and especially its great opening sequence and its memorable soundtrack (at least in french!). This is the first thing the word "infinite" reminded me of (it's the first word of the song). I'd really like to watch this show again, even though it probably aged a bit now.
You can watch the opening sequence here.
L'Infini ! J'ai tout de suite pensé à "Il était une fois l'Espace" en voyant le mot de la semaine d'Illustration Friday, et à son générique mémorable. Cela faisait longtemps que je ne l'avais pas vu, j'en ai eu la chair de poule :-) Ahh, nostalgie. La série a sans doute pas mal vieilli, mais j'ai vraiment envie de la revoir maintenant!
Vous pouvez voir le générique ici.
6 commentaires:
The illustration is great!
Yeah i agree with Indigene. a great illustration. ^^*
Excellent, tu nous fais retomber en enfance!!!
Yes, i remember it. We saw this show in Spain too. It´was a great history
Nice to see that some people remember it ! :-)
ahh, i have fond memories of this show along with the stone-age version of it. They showed it in Sweden in the 80ies, dubbed.
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