A not very imaginative take on the word "hatch" for Illustration Friday :-). Drawn with Flash. Rien de bien original pour le mot de la semaine d'Illustration Friday, "hatch". Dessiné avec Flash.
French pixel artist living in Montreal, working for a video game company.
I'm using this blog to post drawings and experiments :-) Your comments are always appreciated !
10 commentaires:
I like his silly smile!
I draw in flash too.....what kind of video games??
Funny expression.
i dig it...
funny dino. love your illo.
Thanks everybody!
@Cartoons Inc: These days it's mostly iPhone games ! I quite like the way the ink brush "feels" in Flash.
Very nice and mmm... and cute :) U should made post cards with «Hatch», «Racoonish dog» and other similar paintings.
may i'll be first in line for mail receive? :)
Une sorte de Caliméro des temps anciens :-))
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