vendredi 14 janvier 2011


My chickens look more like pigeons pretending to be chickens.

13 commentaires:

Regina a dit...

But still very cute! Love the lighting effects.

cristina a dit...

or maybe their dad was a pigeon and their mum was a chicken :P

k.h.whitaker a dit...

shes very cute

Paul K a dit...

Perfectly expressive! :)

Unknown a dit...

love it!!! wonderful work!!! tres bien!!!

nelleke a dit...

maybe a bit pigeon-like, but proud and shiny, so who cares?

Jess a dit...

Nice Work :D

Tracy a dit...

They almost look a little scared, like the farmer and his ax are coming! I love the lighting on this, too!

MrBibleHead a dit...

Maybe you invented the chickeon! Very cool style! Love it Christophe!

Tiffany a dit...

They are great! ♥

Poshgit a dit...

These are amazing! Great work :) love their beaks! :)

Nathanael Lark a dit...

Wow! This is incredible. I love your treatment of light and your color choices. Great atmosphere!

Christophe a dit...

Thank you everybody !! :-)